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Adapted Physical Education

Adapted Physical Education

The California Department of Education recognizes that children with disabilities who are eligible for special education and related services have a right to a free and appropriate education to meet their unique needs. As such there are a variety of physical education services available for children with disabilities. All children, unless excused or exempt under Education Code 51241, are required to have an appropriate physical education program. Availability of adapted physical education services therefore, should be consistent in all districts, counties, and regions of the state. In addition, these services should be provided in such a manner that promotes maximum interaction between children with disabilities and their non-disabled peers.

EC 51210 and 51222.

The California Department of Education recognizes that professional practices in physical education have been developed which are effective in providing quality services for children.

Adapted Physical Education is a diversified program of developmental activities, games, sports, adventure activities, and rhythms, suited to the interests, capacities and needs of students with disabilities who may not safely or successfully engage in unrestricted participation in the vigorous activities of the general program.

Various types of physical education programs and services are necessary to meet the needs of children and are to be made available as appropriate. For this instructional area, there is a need to:

  • Address eligibility criteria.
  • Outline a process for physical education programming.
  • Ensure that appropriately qualified staffs are employed, consistent with credentialing requirements.
  • Address considerations unique to the demographics of various districts, counties, and special education local plan areas (SELPAs).
  • Suggest guidelines for program eligibility, caseloads, and screening


Adapted Physical Education

Direct physical education services provided by an adapted physical education specialist to students who have needs that cannot be adequately satisfied in other physical education programs as indicated by an assessment and evaluation of motor skills performance and other areas of need, including behavioral and affective areas. Children receiving adapted physical education, as indicated on the IEP, are included in the state and federal child count. 5CCR 3051.5(a).

Adapted Physical Education Collaboration

Physical education services in this option are provided and/or implemented jointly with other school staff members in order to assist children in meeting individualized goals, objectives, or needs through all options. Service delivery may be a transitional progression through the various stages or a combination of options offered simultaneously to meet individual needs. Collaboration is a bridge to either exit APE direct services or enter the General Physical Education Program. This may include some direct "hands-on" services, directly working with children, as part of the collaborative process. These children will be counted on the federal pupil count when direct services are provided on a regular basis by the adapted physical education specialist as indicated on the IEP.

Adapted Physical Education Consultation

Assistance is given to parents, general and special class teachers, or general physical education teachers, who are conducting either the general, modified, or specially designed physical education program. Ideas and suggestions for individualizing the instruction, resources, modifications or adaptations, and/or identifying supplementary devices/teaching aids that would facilitate the skills of an individual with exceptional needs may be shared. These services should be considered as support services provided by the adapted physical education specialist as listed on the IEP do not include directly working with children and will not be recorded on the pupil count.