Payroll Forms
Payroll Frequently Asked Questions:
Forms to Adjust Taxes:
403B/457 Forms:
- Salary Agreement Reduction form (Change or add)
- This link will take you to our Third Party Adminstrator, Employee Benefit Services. Please use this link to make add/change to your 403B/457 plan(s). Please be sure to Choose Sequoia Union High School District from the drop down menu
Deferred Net Pay:
- Certificated: Deferred Net Pay Form -
- Form for Certificated Staff to adjust their 11 pay periods into 12 pay periods
- Classified: Deferred Net Pay Form-
- Form for Classified Staff to adjust their 10 or 11 pay periods into 12 pay periods
Direct Deposit Forms:
Stop payment/Lost Check Form:
Request a copy of your W-2 or Pay Stub (If you are no longer employed with SUHSD)
For Supervisors/Directors/Admin Only: