AVID Program

Welcome to AVID AT SUHSD!
Welcome to AVID AT SUHSD!![]()
Welcome to AVID AT SUHSD!
AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination. It is a fourth- through twelfth-grade system (program) to prepare students in the academic middle for four-year college eligibility. These are students who are capable of completing a college-prep curriculum but may be falling short of their potential. The core component is the AVID elective, which supports students as they tackle the most rigorous classes. AVID’s teaching strategies, curriculum, and trainings are used not only in the AVID elective class, but by subject-area teachers schoolwide.
What do students and teachers say about AVID?
“AVID has fostered a strong sense of family among us, where we refer to each other as brothers and sisters. This bond has made it easier to connect with classmates and seek help in our studies. Reflecting on this experience, I realize it will also facilitate building relationships in college. Effective communication will help me meet new people and engage with professors more comfortably.” Sequoia AVID Senior
"AVID has massively helped me to improve my habits of organization and studying and has given me much-valued knowledge about colleges and the application process with plenty of time to apply this knowledge to my choices and applications. AVID has given me a small community that I can take shelter in at will, which I appreciate for its benefits in times of struggle." Carlmont AVID Sophomore
“My AVID students inspired me to go back to school and earn my counseling degree from San Jose State almost 10 years ago. I strive to help them achieve their academic and professional goals by addressing their academic and social-emotional well-being.” Lisa Vasquez, Woodside AVID Teacher
"My last group of AVID students were juniors during the COVID shutdown. During that time, our Zoom classes were more about having an hour together than the AVID curriculum. We shared how we were feeling, how our families were managing, and what we could all do to help one another. Sometimes, that was setting up another time for small groups to meet and study on Zoom. Sometimes that was offering to bring a family dinner when they didn't have any money to buy food. When we came back to school, my students jumped right into college apps and continued to have each other's backs during the entire process. We hadn't lost touch of who we were as an AVID family, even though we were kept apart. They all rallied together, applied, were accepted, and were ready for college unlike many of their peers." Jasmine Schimek, Sequoia AVID Teacher
“AVID has definitely introduced me to a variety of people who relate to and support me. I’ve grown close with a lot of my classmates, and therefore I’ve been able to become more comfortable expressing my feelings to them. This has helped support my mental health because I can rely on practically anyone in my class for help.” Carlmont AVID Sophomore
“Having AVID as a first period all these years has not only been a comfort but has provided me with a place to make new friends. I dealt with social anxiety for a long time, and AVID gave me a safe place that I knew I could rely on year after year. This class has pushed me to get out of my comfort zone and learn to properly advocate for myself both academically and socially. The bonds I have formed in this class continue to be very important to me. AVID provided me with a community at school in which I could feel like I belonged. As a first-generation student, I cannot rely on anyone for advice on the college and scholarship process. AVID has given me the proper insight and place to ask all of the questions I have. I feel like I wouldn't be as prepared without having AVID. It takes some of the burdens off of senior year. AVID has taught me to advocate for myself to my other teachers here at Woodside by pushing me to ask questions when confused. Overall, AVID has not only prepared me to take the next steps after high school but has also provided a community that has supported me at every turn.” Woodside AVID Senior
"I think being with the same group of people for four years I’ve been able to build close friendships where I feel comfortable to ask for help, even with my teacher too. I also am surrounded by other people who have the same goals as me which helps push me forward. I know everyone hates Cornell Notes, but I think it’s really drilled good note-taking skills into my brain, even if they aren’t Cornell Notes style. I've learned how to quickly and efficiently take my own kind of notes." Sequoia AVID Senior
"AVID has given me a safe place in this school and community. It helps me so much in getting myself together and organizing myself. It also helps me in deciding what I want to do in my future and how to prepare for it. Tutorials and practices help me currently in my hardest classes. It really gives me that extra support I need." Carlmont AVID Sophomore
"As a first-generation college graduate, I deeply understand the challenges students face when navigating academic environments. In teaching AVID, I strive to provide the guidance and resources I wish I had at their stage, particularly in building relationships that will support them in college and beyond." Jesse Manzo, Woodside AVID Teacher
"AVID helped me improve my academic skills by teaching me how to take better notes, specifically Cornell notes, something I still use today in college. AVID also encouraged me to take IB classes, which exposed me to college-level coursework and prepared me for college." Ady Moran, Sequoia AVID Graduate 2024
Scroll to the bottom of the page for informational webinar recordings and frequently asked questions about AVID at SUHSD.
Ready to apply? Click the buttons below to download a PDF version of the application or apply online. When applying online, students will need the name and email address of a teacher/counselor who will recommend them for the program.
The AVID Student
The AVID Student![]()
AVID students are enrolled in an academic elective class-called AVID-taught within the school day by a trained AVID teacher. The three main components of the program are academic instruction, tutorial support, and motivational activities. Their self-images improve and they become academically successful leaders and role models for other students. They are proud to be in the program. In addition, most AVID students who participate for at least three years in the program are accepted to college, with roughly three quarters getting into four-year universities. AVID also helps ensure that students, once accepted to college, possess the higher-level skills they need for college success.
The AVID Curriculum
The AVID Curriculum![]()
The AVID curriculum, based on rigorous standards, was developed by middle and senior high school teachers in collaboration with college professors to support the development of college readiness skills. AVID is based on five elements of learning: writing to learn and to show your knowledge, inquiry as a way to deepen understanding, collaboration skills, organizational strategies, and critical reading skills. During the AVID elective class, students will practice college readiness skills, receive direct instruction about the types of colleges and universities, learn about college eligibility, and develop collaborative skills through community-building activities and AVID tutorials.
AVID parents, guardians, and other adult caregivers provide emotional, philosophical, and academic support to their children by showing interest in their schoolwork, providing them with a time and a place to study, and encouraging them to complete schoolwork regularly. AVID families also advise and assist their children in developing into responsible decision-makers. When possible, they attend AVID activities, meetings, and family workshops.
AVID Staff & Students Explain the AVID ProgramEnglish![]()
Los maestros y alumnos de AVID explican el programa de AVIDEspañol![]()
Questions from Students & Families/ Preguntas de alumnos y sus familias
Questions from Students & Families/ Preguntas de alumnos y sus familias![]()
Questions from Students & Families/ Preguntas de alumnos y sus familias
What if students are struggling in 8th grade currently, getting grades up but not all are where they need to be yet... how does that factor into approval for the program?
¿Qué ocurre si los estudiantes que actualmente están teniendo dificultades en 8vo grado, subiendo sus calificaciones, pero no todos están donde tienen que estar todavía? ¿Cómo influye esto en la aprobación del programa?
Our AVID teams are looking for students who are committed to doing better as they go through high school and get ready for college. Students don’t need to have perfect grades in 8th grade; they just need to be willing to put in the effort to do their best.
Nuestros equipos AVID están buscando estudiantes que estén comprometidos a mejorar a medida que avanzan en la preparatoria y se preparan para la universidad. Los estudiantes no necesitan tener calificaciones perfectas en 8vo grado; solo necesitan estar dispuestos a esforzarse para dar lo mejor de sí.
Is there an application process for the student to join?
How do we access the Google form for enrollment?
Do students submit the application for enrollment or can parents submit it?
¿Existe un proceso de solicitud para que el estudiante se una?
¿Cómo se accede al formulario de inscripción de Google?
¿Los estudiantes presentan la solicitud de inscripción o pueden hacerlo los padres?
Yes. Students complete an online application, but you can also print and fill out a hard copy.
It’s very important that the responses to the application questions come directly from students, although we understand that parents & guardians may support students by proofreading their answers or typing answers that their students handwrite or dictate. When AVID teams think the responses sound more like an adult than a student, we wonder if the student actually wants to be in AVID.
There is a school report as well for a teacher or counselor to complete about your classroom and study skills. If you complete the online application, you will enter the teacher’s or counselor’s email address, and the form will be sent to them.
The school report is on pages 3 - 4 of the paper application. If you complete the application on paper, give it to the teacher or counselor after pages 1 - 2 are complete. They will complete it and work with SUHSD staff to get it to the correct high school.
During course registration, students should choose AVID as one of their electives if they want to be in the class, even if they haven’t finished the application or gotten an acceptance yet.
Sí. Los estudiantes completan una solicitud en línea, pero también pueden imprimir y completar una copia impresa.
Es muy importante que las respuestas a las preguntas de la solicitud provengan directamente de los estudiantes, aunque entendemos que los padres y tutores pueden ayudar a los estudiantes corrigiendo sus respuestas o tecleando las respuestas que sus estudiantes escriban a mano o dicten. Cuando los equipos AVID piensan que las respuestas suenan más como un adulto que un estudiante, nos preguntamos si el estudiante realmente quiere estar en AVID.
También hay un informe escolar para que el maestro o el consejero complete sobre tus habilidades en el salón de clase y el estudio. Si completas la solicitud en línea, ingresa la dirección de correo electrónico del maestro o consejero y se le enviará el formulario.
El informe escolar se encuentra en las páginas 3 - 4 de la solicitud en papel. Si completas la solicitud en papel, entréguesela al maestro o consejero después de completar las páginas 1 - 2. Ellos la completarán y trabajarán con el personal de SUHSD para hacerla llegar a la preparatoria correcta.
Durante la inscripción de cursos, los estudiantes deben elegir AVID como una de sus clases electivas si quieren estar en la clase, incluso si no han terminado la solicitud u obtenido una aceptación todavía.
What is the latest students can sign up?
¿Hasta cuándo pueden inscribirse los estudiantes?
Applications are accepted until classes are full, which can be during the first two weeks of school in August.
It’s better to apply before the end of the school year so you don’t have a schedule change in the fall.
Las solicitudes se aceptan hasta que las clases estén completas, lo que puede ocurrir durante las dos primeras semanas de clase en agosto.
Es mejor presentar la solicitud antes del año escolar para no tener que cambiar de horario en otoño.
How long is each class?
¿Cuánto dura cada clase?
AVID is a regularly scheduled period during the school day. Each high school has a unique bell schedule with classes from 50 minutes long to 90 minutes, depending on the school and the day. At Woodside, all 9th - 11th grade AVID classes are in 1st period, and at Sequoia, all AVID classes are in 7th period. Woodside 12th grade AVID happens during a different period. At Carlmont and M-A, the class could be any period during the day.
AVID es un período programado regularmente durante el día escolar. Cada preparatoria tiene un horario de campana único con clases de 50 minutos de duración a 90 minutos, dependiendo de la escuela y el día. En Woodside, todas las clases de AVID de 9vo a 11vo grado son en el primer periodo, y en Sequoia, todas las clases de AVID son en el 7mo periodo. En Woodside, las clases de AVID de 12vo grado se imparten en otro periodo. En Carlmont y M-A, la clase podría ser cualquier período durante el día.
Can someone do cheer as well as AVID?
¿Puede alguien estar en el equipo cheer también como AVID?
Yes. AVID does not have requirements outside of class, so students can participate in any sport. Practices start after the last class of the day. Students occasionally miss classes for games, but that is true for all students, not just AVID students.
Sí. AVID no tiene requisitos fuera de clase, así que los estudiantes pueden participar en cualquier deporte. Las prácticas comienzan después de la última clase del día. Los estudiantes de vez en cuando pierden clases para los juegos, pero eso es cierto para todos los estudiantes, no solo los estudiantes AVID.
Should the student apply for AVID to her school of choice even if she is wait-listed for that high school?
¿Debería el estudiante solicitar AVID en la escuela de su elección aunque esté en lista de espera para esa escuela?
Yes. The AVID Coordinators at the 4 large high schools work together and can share the application with the assigned high school if needed.
Sí, los coordinadores de AVID de las 4 preparatorias grandes trabajan juntos y pueden compartir la solicitud con la preparatoria asignada si es necesario.
How can we check/confirm our application was received?
¿Cómo podemos comprobar/confirmar que se ha recibido nuestra solicitud?
When the confirmation shows after clicking Submit:
Your application has been submitted and an email was sent to the recommending teacher.
Be sure to follow up with your teacher to finalize the application process.
**A transcript/report card needs to be submitted to the appropriate AVID Coordinator.
If you have a glitch or want to verify, you can email Rachel Andres at randres@seq.org.
Cuando aparezca la confirmación después de hacer clic en Enviar:
Tu solicitud ha sido enviada y se ha enviado un correo electrónico al maestro recomendante.
Asegúrate de hacer un seguimiento con tu maestro para finalizar el proceso de solicitud.
**Es necesario presentar un expediente académico/boleta de calificaciones al coordinador AVID correspondiente.
Si tienes algún problema o quieres verificar, puedes enviar un correo electrónico a Rachel Andres a randres@seq.org.
What if a student is struggling in 8th grade currently and is not sure about colleges yet - should they apply to AVID?
¿Qué pasa si un estudiante está teniendo dificultad actualmente en el 8vo grado y todavía no está seguro acerca de la universidad - debe aplicar a AVID?
It depends on how not sure they are about college and how much they are struggling.
Everything that is taught and required in AVID is about being successful in high school classes that lead to college eligibility and challenging yourself so you will be ready to manage the rigor of college courses when you get there. If a student is less than 60% sure they want to go to college, they may not feel motivated to do the work that is required in AVID.
If a student in 8th grade is struggling to pass classes, then AVID might not be a good fit. They might want to use a different support program to help them stay on track in high school. If a student is passing all their classes but struggling to get As and Bs and they are looking for something to help them improve their student skills, then AVID could be a great fit.
Depende de lo poco seguro que esté de ir a la universidad y cuanta dificultad está teniendo.
Todo lo que se enseña y se requiere en AVID se trata de tener éxito en las clases de preparatoria que conducen a la elegibilidad para la universidad y desafiarse a sí mismo para que esté listo para manejar el rigor de los cursos universitarios cuando llegue allí. Si un estudiante está menos del 60% seguro de que quiere ir a la universidad, puede que no se sienta motivado para hacer el trabajo que se requiere en AVID.
Si un estudiante de 8vo grado tiene dificultades para aprobar las clases, entonces AVID podría no ser una buena opción. Es posible que deseen utilizar un programa de apoyo diferente para ayudarles a mantenerse en camino en la preparatoria. Si un estudiante está pasando todas sus clases, pero tiene dificultad para obtener A y B y está buscando algo para ayudarlo a mejorar sus habilidades como estudiante, entonces, AVID podría ser un gran encaje.
What are the qualifications to join AVID?
¿Cuáles son los requisitos para formar parte de AVID?
Generally, we are looking for students who have grades of Cs and above (could be all As and Bs) who want to earn a 4-year college degree after high school and want some more support to make sure that happens.
Students’ grades don’t have to be perfect, but we are looking for students who are motivated to do their best in school most days and who are usually positive members of their classroom communities.
A wide variety of students are accepted into the program and find it helpful.
En general, estamos buscando estudiantes que tengan calificaciones de C y superiores (podría ser todo As y Bs) que quieren obtener un título universitario de 4 años después de la preparatoria y quieren un poco más de apoyo para asegurarse de que eso suceda.
Las calificaciones de los estudiantes no tienen que ser perfectas, pero estamos buscando estudiantes que estén motivados para hacer lo mejor en la escuela la mayoría de los días y que suelen ser miembros positivos de sus comunidades en el salón de clase.
Una gran variedad de estudiantes son aceptados en el programa y lo encuentran útil.
If someone doesn't end up liking the class would they be able to switch classes?
Si a alguien no le gusta la clase, ¿podría cambiar de clase?
Yes. No program is a good fit for everyone. We recommend students try AVID for at least a month to give them a chance to get used to it.
There are windows of time during the year where students can drop or change classes, and school counselors will handle the schedule change. We usually require a meeting or phone call with parents or guardians before dropping AVID to make a plan for the student to do well using other resources on campus. Sí. Ningún programa es adecuado para todos. Recomendamos que los estudiantes prueben AVID por lo menos un mes para que se acostumbren. Hay períodos de tiempo durante el año en los que los estudiantes pueden dejar o cambiar de clases, y los consejeros escolares se encargarán del cambio de horario. Por lo general, requerimos una reunión o llamada telefónica con los padres o tutores antes de dejar AVID para hacer un plan para que al estudiante le vaya bien utilizando otros recursos en la escuela.
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