English Learner Program
English Learner Program Overview
English Learner Program Overview![]()
English Learner Program Overview
The district's programs and services for English Learners are designed to help students who have a home language other than English meet grade-level academic standards and develop English proficiency. English Learners receive instruction in academic subjects, including English language development (ELD), as part of their core program. In addition, they receive a variety of supplemental programs and services funded by federal (e.g. Title III) and other funds. Programs and services for English Learners are guided by numerous state and federal requirements, which may be found in the English Learner Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) Instrument link below.
Title III
Title III![]()
Title III
The federal Title III program provides additional funds to support English Learners through supplemental programs and services. Below are links to the different plans which describe how the district addresses and supports the needs of all its English Learners.
Additional Resources
Additional Resources![]()
Additional Resources
- Administrative Services
- Educational Services
- Human Resources
- Student Services
- COVID-19 Updates
- AB104 Retention
- Attendance and Welfare
- Boundary Search
- Change of Address
- Enrollment
- Health Services
- Interdistrict Transfers
- Pregnant-Parenting-Married Students
- Safety
- Section 504
- Social Emotional Learning
- Wellness
- CA Healthy Kids Survey
- Community Involvement
- Counseling, Psych., Social Services
- Employee Wellness
- Family Engagement
- Health Education
- Health Services
- Nutrition Environment & Services
- Physical Education & Activity
- Physical Environment
- School & Emotional Climate
- Student Health & Wellness Resources
- Wellness Advisory Council (WAC)
- District Wellness in the News
- Vaping/E-Cigarettes
- Digital Wellbeing
- Financial Aid (FAFSA/CADAA)
- District Library Media