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SUHSD Dashboard

The Sequoia Union High School Dashboard is our district's set of internal indicators that help guide our progress on a more timely basis. The key indicators are:
●      Enrollment
●      Demographics
●      Attendance
●      Suspensions
●      A-G Completion
●      AP/IB Participation
●      Graduation
●      ELA & Math SBAC
●      College Enrollment/Completion
interactive dashboard

interactive dashboard

The publicly available SUHSD Dashboard contains key indicators for measuring student performance.  The reports breakdown enrollment, attendance, suspension and expulsion, CAASSP performance, A-G completion, AP/IB enrollment and test results, graduation rates and college going and college graduation rates.  
Access the new dashboard: SUHSD Interactive Dashboard - Powered by Schoolytics
For internal use only:
In addition to the publicly available dashboard, there is an internal monitoring tool, accessible to staff only, where we can track active students and their progress towards meeting graduation and A-G requirements. It also includes quarterly attendance for students as well as progress grades and transcript data for each student. This link will take you to the website accessible by SUHSD staff only: CLICK HERE.    
Note: You must be logged in to your SUHSD email account to access the above link.