The classified web page is designed for non-teaching employees who are interested in working for our district. As classified personnel we work to help our district run smoothly and efficiently.
We appreciate your interest in applying for a classified position within our district. We are no longer accepting paper applications, please click the link below to view and apply for current listings.
- EdJoin Application for Classified Employment
- Classified New Hire Orientation
- Reclassification Guidelines
Collective Bargaining Agreements & Tentative Agreements
AFSCME Local 829
- Collective Bargaining Agreement SUHSD & AFSCME 2023-25
- AFSCME Tentative Agreement 2024-25
- MOU regarding Higher Education Stipend
- AFSCME Tentative Agreement 10/11/2024
AFSCME Supervisors
- AFSCME Supervisor Contract 2023-25
- AFSCME Supervisors Tentative Agreement 2023-24 and 2024-25
- AFSCME Supervisors Tentative Agreement 10/10/2024
Reference / Archive
- Collective Bargaining Agreement SUHSD & AFSCME 2021-23
- Collective Bargaining Agreement SUHSD & AFSCME 2018-21
- AFSCME OT&P M&O Tentative Agreement 2019-20
- Spring 2021 MOUs
Fingerprinting Information
All employees must have a Department of Justice check through LiveScan before they can begin work. We do this to ensure the safety of our students and all employees.
All volunteers working for the Sequoia Union High School district must be fingerprinted through LiveScan if they are going to be unsupervised with the students. Volunteers that are supervised by a staff member undergo a background check through the Sheriff's office.
Moving on the Salary Schedule
A classified/probationary employee will move to the next step of the salary schedule after completion and successfully passing a six month probationary period. From this time/month on, the employee will advance to the next step every year until the top step (step 5) has been reached provided that he/she has a satisfactory evaluation.
San Mateo County Office of Education "Working Together for Workforce Housing" page with links for resources on finding and renting a home
Frontline Absence Management
Reference Material for Recording Absences
- Administrative Services
- Educational Services
- Human Resources
- Student Services
- COVID-19 Updates
- AB104 Retention
- Attendance and Welfare
- Boundary Search
- Change of Address
- Enrollment
- Health Services
- Interdistrict Transfers
- Pregnant-Parenting-Married Students
- Safety
- Section 504
- Social Emotional Learning
- Wellness
- CA Healthy Kids Survey
- Community Involvement
- Counseling, Psych., Social Services
- Employee Wellness
- Family Engagement
- Health Education
- Health Services
- Nutrition Environment & Services
- Physical Education & Activity
- Physical Environment
- School & Emotional Climate
- Student Health & Wellness Resources
- Wellness Advisory Council (WAC)
- District Wellness in the News
- Vaping/E-Cigarettes
- Digital Wellbeing
- Financial Aid (FAFSA/CADAA)
- District Library Media