2021-2022 Negotiations Updates
January 2022
January 2022![]()
January 2022
The SUHSD and SDTA Bargaining Teams met in person on Monday, January 10. Both sides made considerable movement, and agreement was reached on a new side letter defining the use of Learning Management System (currently, Canvas) in the District as well as on a handful of proposals, including planning release time and compensation for teachers in the Satellite and Satellite Plus programs, Minimum Days for Professional Development, enhancements and clarifications to the use of the Catastrophic Leave Bank, including the ability to use up to 10 days for the care of a child or family member in catastrophic need, and mutual approval by teacher and evaluator of the scheduling of evaluation observations. The District's updated proposal calls for a 2% raise to the 2021-2022 salary schedule and a 2% raise for 2022-2023 within a closed, 2-year agreement. SDTA's updated proposal is for a two-year contract with a 4% raise to the 2021-2022 salary schedule and re-openers on salary and two other articles per side for 2022-2023. Additionally, SDTA has proposed a 2% raise to the salary schedule effective January 1, 2023, in recognition of the savings estimated from shifting health benefit providers from CalPERS to SISC.
The teams have additional meetings set for January 20th and 28th
December 2021
December 2021![]()
December 2021
The District and SDTA met on Thursday, December 2, 2021, and Monday, December 6, 2021, for 1.5 days of negotiations. Progress continues to be made in the areas of shifting the purchase of health benefits in the 2023 benefit year, and discussions continue around professional development, leave provisions, staffing, and compensation.
The parties' most recent formal proposals each call for a 2-year agreement. The District has proposed a closed agreement with a 1.75% salary increase and maintenance of current benefits for the 2021-2022 school year and a 2% salary increase and a shift from CalPERS to SISC (Self-Insured Schools of California) for the provision in benefits in the 2022-2023 school year. SDTA has proposed a 2-year agreement with limited re-openers on salary and two other articles per side with a 5% salary increase and maintenance of current benefits for the 2021-2022 school year and a 2% salary increase as a result of the shift in health benefits from CalPERS to SISC in the 2022-2023 school year.
Negotiations will continue in the new year with meetings scheduled on January 10, 20, and 28.
SDTA and the District have met in person on November 22 for a full day of bargaining and virtually on November 10 and December 2 for two half-days. Throughout those meetings, the two sides have exchanged a series of proposals, identifying a number of areas where we have found an agreement to adjust contract language to bring it in line with current practices.
Substantial progress was made in the areas of transitioning health benefits away from CalPERS and to a new provider, the Self-Insured Schools of California (SISC), for the 2023 calendar year, as well as toward establishing dedicated professional development time for several identified topics in the areas of social-emotional needs and wellness of students and staff, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, instructional practices across content areas, cultural responsiveness and proficiency, sexual harassment prevention, equity, inclusion, and similar topics.
Discussions continue in other areas, including compensation, staffing, and leave provisions.
The two sides will meet again on Monday, December 6, for a full day of in-person bargaining.
October 2021
October 2021![]()
October 2021
SDTA and the District met for a full day of negotiations on October 14, 2021. Together, the groups established ground rules moving forward and SDTA completed its presentation of its initial proposal.
The District's team then presented budgetary information along with their initial proposal and a preliminary response to SDTA's initial proposal.
The two sides will meet again on October 28th to continue negotiations.
September 2021
September 2021![]()
September 2021
The District and the Teachers Association had our first negotiations session on September 28, 2021. Both teams met and began discussion regarding ground rules and norms.
Both parties discussed their initial proposals. SDTA began reviewing their comprehensive proposal. We set our agenda for our next negotiations session.
Our next negotiations sessions are scheduled on October 14 and October 28, 2021.
May 2021
May 2021![]()
May 2021
On Wednesday, May 5, the Sequoia District Teachers Association and the Sequoia Union High School District bargaining team met to continue to negotiate the specifics of the Fall 2021 reopening of schools.
With the current health and safety regulations the District continues to include in its proposal that 100% of staff and students would return to school full-time in the schedules that existed before the shift to distance learning occurred in March of 2020.
The plan includes all protective measures (masks, increased ventilation, physical distancing) to be maintained to the extent required by the San Mateo County Health Department.
The District's proposal assumes a fully in-person model for all students. SDTA is preparing a written response to the District's proposal, which will be discussed at the next scheduled negotiations session on May 20.
The District did respond to several items in their counter proposal.
Areas where we are still working out details of an agreement:
- Providing teachers with extra planning hours and support for addressing learning needs.
- Health and safety guidelines around air quality.
June 2021
June 2021![]()
June 2021
As we concluded the 2020 – 2021 school year, the District and SDTA met to discuss any possible health and safety protocol changes that would need to be addressed for the beginning of the 2021 – 2022 school year. The District will be returning to the regular pre-pandemic instructional model with 100% of students in all grade levels attending classes every day. As the restrictions and health and safety protocols evolve with the implementation of widespread vaccinations for staff and students, the District will monitor the situation and reconvene in August with SDTA to review the situation for the start of the school year and confirm what health and safety protocols will be required.
Also included in the discussions with SDTA were concerns raised by SDTA regarding the effectiveness of the concurrent instructional model (roomers and zoomers) that was used during distance learning. Although there was agreement that there were issues with the model for both teachers and students, the District and SDTA did not reach an agreement regarding what instructional model the District would use if it became necessary to return to distance learning in the future.
SDTA and the District did reach an agreement on providing support for teachers during the summer months to work on addressing the impact of distance learning and instruction on student learning. The agreement allows for additional collaboration and/or curricular planning during the summer recess to address the impact of COVID-19 on student learning. SDTA members will have the opportunity to receive compensation for up to ten hours of work at the curricular rates for work that is completed prior to the start of the 2021 – 2022 school year. The work to be performed must address one of the following three areas.
- Create a calendar of the first 3 to 4 weeks of instruction demonstrating the utilization of re-teaching of concepts identified from the prior year including at least one “re-orientation” activity for students.
- Design an assessment to determine the skill set level of incoming classes as well as an activity to help students with reorientation.
- A return to in-person school project pre-approved by site administration.
- Administrative Services
- Educational Services
- Human Resources
- Student Services
- COVID-19 Updates
- AB104 Retention
- Attendance and Welfare
- Boundary Search
- Change of Address
- Enrollment
- Health Services
- Interdistrict Transfers
- Pregnant-Parenting-Married Students
- Safety
- Section 504
- Social Emotional Learning
- Wellness
- CA Healthy Kids Survey
- Community Involvement
- Counseling, Psych., Social Services
- Employee Wellness
- Family Engagement
- Health Education
- Health Services
- Nutrition Environment & Services
- Physical Education & Activity
- Physical Environment
- School & Emotional Climate
- Student Health & Wellness Resources
- Wellness Advisory Council (WAC)
- District Wellness in the News
- Vaping/E-Cigarettes
- Digital Wellbeing
- Financial Aid (FAFSA/CADAA)
- District Library Media