Uniform Complaint Procedures
The Sequoia Union High School District Board of Trustees recognizes that the district has primary responsibility for insuring that it complies with state and federal laws and regulations governing educational program. The District shall investigate complaints alleging failure to comply with such laws and/or alleging discrimination and shall seek to resolve those complaints in accordance with the district's uniform complaint procedures.
The District shall investigate and seek to resolve complaints at the local level. The District shall follow uniform complaint procedures when addressing complaints alleging unlawful discrimination based on actual or perceived ethnic group identification, religion, age, gender, color, ancestry, sexual orientation, national origin, race, sex, or physical or mental disability, or on the basis of a person's association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics in any district program or activity that receives or benefits from state financial assistance.
The district shall also follow uniform complaint procedures when addressing complaints alleging failure to comply with state or federal law in adult education, consolidated categorical aid programs, migrant education, career technical and technical education and career technical and technical training programs, childcare and development programs, child nutrition programs, and special education programs.
Uniform complaint procedures will also be followed when addressing Williams' complaints regarding deficiencies related to instructional materials, emergency or urgent facilities conditions that pose a threat to the health and safety of students or staff, teacher vacancy or misassignment, and the requirement to provide remediation for those students who have failed the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE).
Uniform complaint procedures will also be followed when addressing complaints regarding AB 1575. Assembly Bill 1575 was signed by Governor Brown on September 29, 2012; as a result, school districts may not charge a fee, deposit, or other charge for student participation in any educational activity. "Educational activities" include both curricular and extracurricular activities offered by a school, school district, charter school, or county office of education that constitute "an integral fundamental part of elementary and secondary education." Fees may not be charged for supplies, materials, or equipment needed for pupils to participate in an educational activity, nor as a condition of participating in any educational activity.
The District shall investigate and seek to resolve complaints at the local level. The District shall follow uniform complaint procedures when addressing complaints alleging unlawful discrimination based on actual or perceived ethnic group identification, religion, age, gender, color, ancestry, sexual orientation, national origin, race, sex, or physical or mental disability, or on the basis of a person's association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics in any district program or activity that receives or benefits from state financial assistance.
The district shall also follow uniform complaint procedures when addressing complaints alleging failure to comply with state or federal law in adult education, consolidated categorical aid programs, migrant education, career technical and technical education and career technical and technical training programs, childcare and development programs, child nutrition programs, and special education programs.
Uniform complaint procedures will also be followed when addressing Williams' complaints regarding deficiencies related to instructional materials, emergency or urgent facilities conditions that pose a threat to the health and safety of students or staff, teacher vacancy or misassignment, and the requirement to provide remediation for those students who have failed the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE).
Uniform complaint procedures will also be followed when addressing complaints regarding AB 1575. Assembly Bill 1575 was signed by Governor Brown on September 29, 2012; as a result, school districts may not charge a fee, deposit, or other charge for student participation in any educational activity. "Educational activities" include both curricular and extracurricular activities offered by a school, school district, charter school, or county office of education that constitute "an integral fundamental part of elementary and secondary education." Fees may not be charged for supplies, materials, or equipment needed for pupils to participate in an educational activity, nor as a condition of participating in any educational activity.
Please submit a Uniform Complaint Form to the respective principal or to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Todd Beal, 480 James Ave., Redwood City, CA 94062.
- Uniform Complaint Procedures
- Procedimientos Uniformes de Quejas
- Uniform Complaint Form
- Formulario de Procedimientos Generales de Queja
Complaints Concerning District Employees
This form is to be used by parents, students, or community members who wish to file a written complaint/concern about an employee of the Sequoia Union High School District. You have a right to a written response within thirty calendar days.
This form is to be filed with the office of the employee's immediate supervisor or the principal of the school. If the case involves a district office employee, the form should be filed with the employee's immediate supervisor or the assistant superintendent of the employee's division.
If you are dissatisfied with the response you may make an appeal to the Superintendent. This appeal must be made within fifteen days following the supervisor's response.
This form is to be filed with the office of the employee's immediate supervisor or the principal of the school. If the case involves a district office employee, the form should be filed with the employee's immediate supervisor or the assistant superintendent of the employee's division.
If you are dissatisfied with the response you may make an appeal to the Superintendent. This appeal must be made within fifteen days following the supervisor's response.
Click the name to send an email message:
Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
District Office
Ext. 22022
Dooley, Jarrett
Director, Student Services
Director, Student Services
Student complaints regarding discrimination on the basis of sex
District Office
Ext. 22389
Ext. 22389
Carlmont High School
Ext. 30010
Ext. 30010
Guillaume, Amika
East Palo Alto Academy
Ext. 78010
Ext. 78010
Losekoot, Karl
Menlo-Atherton High School
Ext. 50110
Ext. 50110
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