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Enrollment Process

Enrollment Process

Sequoia Union High School District welcomes the enrollment of foreign exchange students who are participating in a formal student exchange program. Accordingly, SUHSD accepts J-1 visas as these visas typically come through a student foreign exchange program that is registered as a government approved agency. Foreign students participating in a formal student exchange program, such as students participating in the AFS program, are processed under the sponsorship of an agency.


The agency representative works with the student’s family to place students with a host family in our attendance area. Once a host family is approved by the agency, the representative and host family work with the Welfare & Attendance Office to facilitate the students’ enrollment. The agency will review enrollment options with the host family, as presented by SUHSD.  The host family will be required to complete Online Registration. Once received and verified, SUHSD staff will sign the agency's Placement/School Acceptance Form and no transfer of school assignment can occur.

Important: all requests for student enrollments under J-1 visas must be submitted to the Welfare and Attendance Office no later than February 1st for consideration of enrollment for the following school year.
Visa Types

Visa Types

The following are types of student visas:

  • F-1 Visa: an F-1 visa student is a nonimmigrant visa category intended for use by nonresident aliens whose primary purpose for visiting the United States is to study at an academic school
  • J-1 Visa: a J-1 visa student is a nonimmigrant exchange student who has come to the United States to study for specific period of time under the sponsorship of a government approved agency
  • Tourist visa: cannot be accepted

To accept F-1 visas, the district would need to file an application with the government to request oversight of the visa program in our district. The SUHSD has elected to not do so, and as a result, is not able to accept students with F-1 visas.

Additional Information

Additional Information

Questions and concerns regarding the acceptance of foreign exchange students into the SUHSD should be directed to the Coordinator of Attendance and Welfare. 


Foreign exchange students who enter on a J-1 visa are not required by the SUHSD to pay tuition. As a result, the total number of foreign exchange students accepted districtwide will be limited to three (3) students per year. Placement will be determined by Sequoia Union High School District staff; no foreign exchange student(s) will be placed at a district school at or near capacity, as determined by the district. Additionally, the district may decline to accept any foreign exchange students for any subsequent school years.


Note: all three (3) accepted J-1 foreign exchange students are to be placed to Woodside High School.

Please visit the California Attorney General's International Student Exchange Placement Organizations website for more information on agencies.