Continuity of Learning
Independent Study
Independent Study ![]()
Independent Study
In accordance with new legislation, Assembly Bill/Senate Bill 130, SUHSD is required to offer an independent study option to students whose health would be put at risk by in-person instruction for the 2021-22 school year. Independent study courses are conducted through Edgenuity. AB 130 requires that 9-12 grade students enrolled in Independent study receive live, two way instruction in small group or one-on-one delivered once a week in person, or in the form of internet or telephone communication. Edgenuity course content meets the same A-G graduation requirements as in-person instruction.
Families and students can learn more about courses by visiting Edgenuity’s Course List. Please note that only courses offered through SUHSD are offered to our students through Edgenuity. If interested, please contact your student’s counselor.
Credit Recovery – Summer 2021 and 2021-2022 School Year
Credit Recovery – Summer 2021 and 2021-2022 School Year ![]()
Credit Recovery – Summer 2021 and 2021-2022 School Year
Throughout the summer, SUHSD has provided summer enhancement, enrichment, and remediation for our students. The District has helped students ensure they maintain their academic progress with a robust in-person summer school for credit recovery and mental health counseling, summer school enrichment for English Learners and At Promise incoming ninth graders, and summer partnerships with organizations such as Boys and Girls Club of the Peninsula and Girls Who Code.
During the 2021-22 school year, students will continue to have access to credit recovery services. Labs will be open with staff helping students to complete online, college approved courses after school, and students will be able to access the curriculum at any time convenient to them. In addition, with new legislation, AB 104, passed this summer, students who were in their third or fourth year of high school in the 2020-21 school year will have the option to graduate with a reduced number of credits (130 units instead of the standard 220 units). These 130 course units are what is required for a California high school diploma. Also approved in legislation is the ability of parents/18-year-old students to request that any letter grade earned in the 2020-21 school year be converted to pass/no pass. Click here to find a link to the English version of the form and click here to find the Spanish version. On both versions you will find a hotline and email to send any questions you have about whether or not to request the grade change, as well as a list of colleges and universities who have said they will accept a pass/no pass as a completing grade.
Retention: Parents/guardians of a student enrolled in 9th through 11th grade in 2020-21 who received deficient final term grades (D, F or I in at least half of their classes in 2020-2021 may make a written request for a retention consultation to repeat the same grade level for 2021–22 school year and the district must review each request, including available learning recovery options, access to prior semester courses in which the pupil received a D or F letter grade, or some other form of credit recovery and data, and make a final retention decision. The retention provisions of the bill do not apply to students who were in 12th grade in 2020-21. Eligible students and their parents will be contacted directly with this information. If a family is not contacted and believes that their student is eligible, please have them contact the Student Services department at or (650) 369-1411ex. 22210.
Graduation Requirements: The district must exempt students who were enrolled in their 3rd or 4th year of high school in 2020-21 and who are not on track to graduate in four years from all coursework and other requirements adopted by the governing body that are in addition to the statewide coursework requirements. Students cannot use this policy to graduate from high school early. Our students graduating under this legislation will have a full senior course load.
We will continue to provide laptops and hot spots to students who lack access to technology in order to support their learning.
Certificated staff continue the work of identifying areas where learning acceleration may be needed and adjusting course content and planning as needed.
Student Learning During an Absence
Student Learning During an Absence ![]()
Student Learning During an Absence
For excused student absences (i.e. isolation, quarantine, etc.) teachers will assign work via Canvas, Edgenuity, or hardcopy homework assignments. Students will also be able to access Paper, a 24/7 online chat-based tutoring program for expert learning support in any subject area.
Special Education
Special Education![]()
Special Education
SUHSD will continue to provide the appropriate accommodations for our students with disabilities consistent with their Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Our district staff will work collaboratively with families of students with disabilities to address all programming needs to the fullest extent possible as defined by a student’s IEP and developed through the IEP process.
To learn more about your options, please contact Special Education Coordinator Clare Chandler at
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