The Online Registration (OLR) process is mandatory for all students enrolling in SUHSD (even if you have already completed it for an older sibling). OLR opens annually October 15 and is due by February 1. If you missed the Secondary OLR Window deadline, please submit your student enrollment application immediately. We will make every attempt to enroll your student at their home school but it cannot be guaranteed.

Once the process is completed in its entirety, your student will be assigned to a high school based on your home address. You must complete the OLR process for the following reasons:
- Verify you reside within Sequoia Union High School District attendance boundaries;
- Update your current home address and contact information for communication/emergency purposes;
- Identify your assigned high school based on your home address;
- Submit the required information to allow your assigned school to best serve your student; and
- For incoming 9th graders, request a transfer under Open Enrollment to attend a different school than the one assigned (closes Feb. 1st).
- This includes requests for enrollment to TIDE Academy or East Palo Alto Academy
General Information for OLR
Please gather the following document and information in order to expedite the submission of your student's enrollment application. Click here for a PDF of the information below.
For Address Verification (click here for more information):
- Group 1 Requirement: Identification. Provide one (1): parent/legal guardian’s valid driver’s license, California ID, Military ID, Passport, Consular Picture ID.
- Group 2 Requirement: Address Validation. Provide one (1). Property tax bill showing parent/guardian name and address, closing statement or deed for newly purchased property, current lease (not an application to lease) with Manager/Landlord’s contact/signature, Month-to-Month Lease (must include a letter from the manager/landlord indicating the named individuals are current residents, dated within the last 30 days).
- Group 3 Requirement: Supplemental Address Validation. Provide two (2). All documents must be recent (within the last three months) and must include parent/guardian name and address. Envelopes will not be accepted. Utilities bill: phone, internet, electricity, etc. New account: letter from utility company. DMV vehicle registration. State or Federal Tax Return with W-2 with current address. Voter registration. Employment pay stub. Correspondence from government agency.
- Student's Birth Certificate or Passport. If submitting a Passport where student's last name differs from parent's/guardian's, additional documents proving legal guardianship of the student will be requested.
- IEP or 504 Plan: if your student is receiving Special Education/Section 504 services, upload IEP or 504 Plan.
- Immunizations: copy of all student immunization records.
- Medical Plans or Medicine Administration: any current medical plans/administration of medicine for your student should be uploaded.
- Household: address and phone numbers for your primary physical address; PO Boxes and business addresses are NOT accepted.
- Parent/Legal Guardian (court-appointed) information: work and cell phone numbers, email addresses, legal/custody information if appropriate.
- Student Information: Previous school information, health/medication information, nutrition needs, etc.
Tips for Submitting OLR
- This is a mandatory process required for enrollment of all new students to SUHSD
- Please only upload images or scans of original, unaltered documents
- A home visit may be made to verify residency; these are completed at random and will not be scheduled
- You must physically reside within district boundaries prior to submitting an enrollment application
- Once your student's registration process is complete and school placement is confirmed, only then will your student be enrolled
- It is very important that the information entered is accurate
- Required questions are in red text and are marked with a red asterisk *
- Dates must be entered as mm/dd/yyyy
- Enter data in mixed case (not CAPS)
Interested in TIDE or EPAA?
Interested in TIDE or EPAA?![]()
Interested in TIDE or EPAA?
If you are interested in having your student request a transfer to TIDE or EPAA and Open Enrollment has closed, please select the corresponding Reason for Online Registration (see image below). Once you have completed OLR, the District's staff will be in contact to verify the status of the registration. Depending upon the time of year that you submit your student's enrollment application, responses may be delayed. If you need assistance, please scroll to the bottom of the page.

To be added to their interest list and communications, please also contact:
- TIDE Academy: (650)-306-1755
- Wendy Mosqueda, ext. 79041, wmosqueda@seq.org
- East Palo Alto Academy (EPAA): 650-839-8900
- Viridiana Luna: ext. 78040, vsanchez@seq.org
- Rosa Ayala: ext. 78000, rayala@seq.org
Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment transfers are available to incoming 9th grade students who wish to attend TIDE, EPAA, or a school other than their assigned home school. After enrollment targets are established at each school, and a determination is made that there are available seats, a random, unbiased drawing will be held to assign students to those open seats. SUHSD's Administrative Regulation 5116.1 includes further information.
You do not need to complete submit an Open Enrollment request if you want your child to attend their assigned home school. If you would like to request for your incoming 9th grader to attend a different school, please complete an Open Enrollment request when completing Online Registration prior to the deadline of February 1st.
Course Selection
Course Selection/Approval
Incoming 9th graders transitioning over summer: SUHSD's Articulation with feeder schools/districts result in counseling liaison visits in the Spring. These visits include more information about assigned home schools, placement options, as well as the course selection/approval process.
Students arriving mid-year: take the documentation you receive for your student to his/her home school and complete this step. Anticipate meeting with school administration and/or a counselor for course selection/approval.
Online Info Update
Online Information Update
Click here for more information on the mandatory Online Information Update (OIU) process. This process includes the Annual Parent Notification and provides parents with the opportunity to update household information and email their student's counselor to request course request changes. As a reminder, if you have moved, you must complete a Change of Address form\DEPARTMENTS\Student-Services\Change-of-Address in order to update your residence in our student data management system.
- The Online Information Update process typically opens on May 1 and closes on May 29
- In late April, each household will receive instructions by mail to complete this process
- Information will be included as to whom to contact for assistance
- When you log in, you will be able to submit and/or update student information as well as see the courses your student is scheduled to take during the next school year
1. Can I submit OLR before I move into the district?
No. You must have documentation that you are living in the district and you must be physically residing at the address you are verifying.
2. Do incoming 9th grade students need to do OLR if the family has an older sibling already in one of the district schools?
Yes. OLR must be done for each new student who enters the district.
3. Must I do OLR or verify my residency every year?
No. You only need to complete OLR when your student enters the district. If you move, it is important to complete a Change of Address form so you receive information from the district.
4. If we move within the district, do we have to change schools?
No. If you are still residing within the district, you may choose to remain at your current school or to move to the school that aligns with your new school boundaries. In this case, you must come in and file a Change of Address form and provide documentation of your new address.
Need assistance?
Need assistance?![]()
Need assistance?
Online Registration & Residency:
- 8:00am - 4:00pm: please call (650) 369-1411 ext. 22395
- Any time: please email jramirez@seq.org or meruiz@seq.org
- Online Registration may be submitted in person at one of the iPad kiosks at the District Office
- Please bring the required documents to 480 James Ave. in Redwood City, CA from 8:00am - 4:00pm
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