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Nutrition Environment & Services

Healthy eating has been linked in studies to improved learning outcomes and helps ensure that students are able to reach their potential. The school nutrition environment provides students with opportunities to learn about and practice healthy eating through available foods and beverages, nutrition education, and messages about food in the cafeteria and throughout the school campus. 
School nutrition services provide meals that meet federal nutrition standards for the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs, accommodate the health and nutrition needs of all students, and help ensure that foods and beverages sold outside of the school meal programs meet Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards. 
SUHSD supports a healthy school nutrition environment by marketing and promoting healthier foods and beverages, encouraging participation in the school meal programs, role-modeling healthy eating behaviors, and ensuring that students have access to filtered drinking water throughout the school day. All our campuses are equipped with water dispensers to promote optimal hydration.
For more information about SUHSD Food Services Department, please visit:
For Free & Reduced Meal Applications, please visit the Food Services department page.
Name: Nora DeCaro
Title: Director of Food Services
Phone: 650-369-1411 EX. 22591