Air Quality FAQ Sheet
FAQ Sheet updated 9/19/23
SUHSD, in coordination with our partner districts and the County Office of Education, has developed these FAQs to help guide a parent’s understanding of our district’s response to poor air quality. SUHSD reserves the right to update this FAQ and its protocol if and when reliable information would necessitate.
What resources does SUSHD use to make decisions about air quality and our response?
SUHSD, along with all school districts in San Mateo County, uses two sources to track air quality: the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) website,, and Bay Area Air Quality Management District, With the advisement of the County Health Department, we use these sources because they are calibrated and regulated. Other popular websites are part of the “internet of things” and are not currently calibrated and regulated, resulting in less reliable readings. We encourage parents and community members to use AirNow and BAAQMD, as well. To help inform the district's response, SUHSD refers to the California Department of Education's Memo on Guidelines for Schools and Wildfire Smoke. The San Mateo County Office of Education has adapted these guidelines locally, as interpreted in their School Air Quality Activity Guidelines document.
At what point will SUHSD keep students indoors due to air quality concerns?
Using Air Quality Index (AQI) numbers from AirNow and/or BAAQMD, we apply the recommendations from the Air Quality and Outdoor Activity Guidance for Schools to determine the appropriate activities based on the AQI.
- When air quality index levels reach 101-150, “Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups,” only students with a specific restriction regarding air quality on their SUHSD Health Care Plan will be kept inside during P.E. and lunch. All parents can contact the school office to request their student to stay indoors for lunchtime and extra-curricular activities.
- When the AQI levels reach 151- 500, “Unhealthy,” “Very Unhealthy,” or “Hazardous,” we will hold all physical activities inside for all student activities, P.E, and lunch.
- Field trips to indoor locations will move forward as planned. Outdoor field trips will proceed as planned when AQI levels are being below 151.
How does SUHSD monitor students who are considered a “sensitive group"?
SUHSD refers to the Air Quality and Outdoor Activity Guidance for Schools from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to inform our decisions for caring for students who have asthma and/or other respiratory health concerns. As always, our staff will prioritize student health needs and follow student health plans. If your teen has asthma and/or other related health concerns, please make sure his/her health plan is updated to include responses during days with poor air quality and that the necessary medications and the requisite directions are provided to the school.
When the Air Quality Index (AQI) is concerning while children are at school, what further measures will SUHSD take to decrease exposure?
SUHSD refers to the Air Quality and Outdoor Activities Guidance for Schools set by the EPA to make decisions on the location of activities. If the AQI enters the unhealthy range, SUHSD will implement Shelter in Place Protocol. During “Shelter in Place,” students and staff may move freely inside buildings, and teaching and work continues. Breaks and outdoor activities will be canceled or held indoors; movement outside between buildings is okay. Staff should close and seal doors, windows, and vents; shut down the classroom/building heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems to prevent exposure to the outside air. “Shelter in Place” may be modified depending on the air quality level, the distance between buildings, and other factors.
What steps can parents take to support their teen during poor air quality?
Parents are encouraged to talk to their teens about air quality concerns. Feel free to share this Guide to Air Quality and Your Health (PDF), published by the Environmental Protection Agency. Being in conversation with your teen and referring to facts helps reduce confusion. Other steps parents can take include:
- If your student has asthma or related health concern, please refer to the above “sensitive groups” question.
Remind youth to drink plenty of water.
Remind students to report symptoms including coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing, and chest tightness. If symptoms occur, your child might need to take a break, do a less intense activity, stop all activity, go indoors, or use quick-relief medicine as prescribed. If symptoms don't improve, consult your physician.
Rather than walking or biking to school, youth should be transported via public or private transportation.
If weather is cold, send student to school with long pants and a heavy coat or jacket in case the HVAC system is turned off. Conversely, if warm, please encourage students to dress comfortably.
Parents are welcome to provide face masks for their student; unfortunately, face masks may not provide the protection we seek. They may in fact cause issues. San Mateo County Health notes, “Masks such as the N-95 are not effective for untrained and unfit-tested users and may be more harmful than helpful for people. A properly fitted N-95 respirator makes it difficult to breathe and is difficult to use for long periods of time. N-95s may be dangerous for certain persons with lung or heart conditions. Bandanas and typical surgical masks do nothing to protect against wildfire smoke particles.” These masks may give a false sense of security. Limiting outdoor exposure is most important.
Can parents keep their teens home during periods of poor air quality and will the absence be excused?
YES, parents who wish to keep their student home and have the ability to do so are supported in making that call. The absence will be excused and students will be responsible for making up the work they miss.
Under what conditions and when will SUHSD schools be closed due to poor air quality?
The San Mateo County Health Department (SMCHD) and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) are clear that there exists no established number that would indicate the need to close schools. Our school district will rely on the direction of SMCHD and BAAQMD to determine the need for school closure. Should these two organizations, along with consultation from the San Mateo County Office of Education, recommend closure, SUHSD will close schools. While no universal Air Quality Index (AQI) measure exists above which schools should close, SMCHD is clear that students are safer supervised at school than at home, potentially unsupervised. SUHSD will not rely on the closure of other area school districts, even those closest to ours, to determine the need to close schools.
Are SUHSD staff required to report to work under conditions of poor air quality and what accommodations can be made for their safety?
Yes, SUHSD staff are required to report to work as per the California Government Code § 3100 & 3101. Like accommodations made for students when following “Shelter in Place,” the same protocols will be available for employees.
“It is hereby declared that the protection of the health and safety and preservation of the lives and property of the people of the state from the effects of natural, manmade, or war-caused emergencies which result in conditions of disaster or in extreme peril to life, property, and resources is of paramount state importance requiring the responsible efforts of public and private agencies and individual citizens. In furtherance of the exercise of the police power of the state in protection of its citizens and resources, all public employees are hereby declared to be disaster service workers subject to such disaster service activities as may be assigned to them by their superiors or by law.” Cal. Gov’t Code § 3100
“For the purpose of this chapter the term “disaster service worker” includes all public employees and all volunteers in any disaster council or emergency organization accredited by the Office of Emergency Services. The term “public employees” includes all persons employed by the state or any county, city, city and county, state agency or public district, excluding aliens legally employed.” Cal. Gov’t Code § 3101.
“It is hereby declared that the protection of the health and safety and preservation of the lives and property of the people of the state from the effects of natural, manmade, or war-caused emergencies which result in conditions of disaster or in extreme peril to life, property, and resources is of paramount state importance requiring the responsible efforts of public and private agencies and individual citizens. In furtherance of the exercise of the police power of the state in protection of its citizens and resources, all public employees are hereby declared to be disaster service workers subject to such disaster service activities as may be assigned to them by their superiors or by law.” Cal. Gov’t Code § 3100
“For the purpose of this chapter the term “disaster service worker” includes all public employees and all volunteers in any disaster council or emergency organization accredited by the Office of Emergency Services. The term “public employees” includes all persons employed by the state or any county, city, city and county, state agency or public district, excluding aliens legally employed.” Cal. Gov’t Code § 3101.
Will SUHSD be required to “make up” days that schools are closed?
The District will do everything possible to avoid rescheduling a “make up” day as a result of school closures. It is within the purview of the Superintendent, in consultation with the School Board, to determine whether a waiver can be obtained so that no extra school days are necessary.
Where can parents go to find the latest information from SUHSD regarding Air Quality and school closures?
SUHSD sends out communications to parents and staff via email, School Messenger and Facebook. It is essential that parents and staff update their email and phone contact information through their school site registrar when contact information changes. All communications from the district are archived on the SUHSD website. At times, SUHSD also activates text messaging and automated robocall systems with important messages. Parents can also visit for the latest information and to access Air Quality information.
To whom should parents and staff direct questions or provide input regarding air quality and school closures?
Site administrators are ready and available to answer any questions regarding Air Quality, school protocols, and safety. Your first step should be an email to your school site administration. For general questions, you may contact

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